On October 29th and 30th and within the activities of the Master in Multimedia Communication (Communication and Arts Department), researchers from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) held two seminars entitled “From Human-Computer Interaction to Player-Computer interaction – The evolution of HCI and research games” and “Current Trends and Interaction Design for Interactive Television”.

Bieke Zaman | Tenure track professor in Human-Computer Interaction / Digital Humanities . Researcher – Centre for User Experience Research (CUO) – KU Leuven & iMinds.
Bieke researches and teaches the interaction between people and technologies, questioning why technology has been shaped in a particular way and to serve which interests. She advocates initiating a dialogue with the designers of new technologies, and involving stakeholders in the design process. In doing so, she aims to achieve more value-sensitive design. Her particular interests are to reconcile values of play and learning in designing educational games for children and account for privacy dilemmas in the design of social media applications.

David Geerts | Research Manager – Centre for User Experience Research (CUO) – KU Leuven & iMinds. General chair – ACM TVX 2015
David has a PhD in Social Sciences at the KU Leuven and is Research Manager of the Centre for User Experience Research (CUO) of KU Leuven and iMinds at the faculty of Social Sciences. David is specialized in user-centered design and evaluation of (social) interactive television, and works on several local and EU projects on this topic. He organized many workshops, special interest groups, and tutorials at international conferences, and for some years has taught a course on HCI for master students of the faculties of Social Sciences and Economy. David Geerts is member of the IFIP TC14 WG6 on Entertainment Computing, is co-founder of the Belgian ACM SIGCHI chapter (CHI Belgium), is part of the TVX steering committee and is general chair of the ACM international conference on interactive experience for television and online video (TVX2015).