Social iVX at jAUTI2023
Social iVX was present at the jAUTI2023 conference – XII Jornadas Iberoamericanas sobre Aplicaciones y Usabilidad de la TV Interactiva. The event was held as part of the Cybersociety 2023 congress, which took place on October 16 and 17 in Havana, Cuba.
PhD students Gabriel Faria and Juliana Camargo presented papers relating to their respective doctorates. First, Juliana presented the paper “HUGTV prototype: integrating proactive TV notifications to empower elderly social connections”, which she signed alongside her supervisors, professors Telmo Silva and Jorge Ferraz de Abreu.
In another session, Gabriel presented the paper “Tirar os Seniores do Sofá: uma Estratégia de Gamificação Integrada na TV“, written by him and his supervisors Telmo Silva and Jorge Ferraz de Abreu.
Professor Alcina Prata, a member of Social iVX, also presented two papers: “Additional information to news videos, generated through an iTV based crossmedia system” and “Personalized extra information to documentary videos, generated through an iTV crossmedia system”, also signed by Teresa Chambel and Jorge Ferraz de Abreu.
All the presentations can be watched at: