iTV in India and Portugal
iTV in India and Portugal
Sponsored Project
Social iTV
Normal TV flows in a one way path, from the broadcaster to the viewer. This limits all sort of TV mediated communication between viewers and any sort of feedback to the broadcasters. However the advances in digital TV with the inclusion of multiple technical solutions that allow a return channel allowed the development of Interactive Television (ITV) offers. These allow the support for communication among viewers and other viewers, as well as broadcasters, namely in real time.
Social Interactive Television (SITV), as part of the Interactive TV field, focuses on the ways to socialize through the television set. By introducing social and interpersonal communication features in Interactive TV platforms viewers are able to chat, discuss about the shows they are watching, provide program recommendation and ratings, creating live experiences with two way interaction.
This research project is aimed at studying the current trends of SITV in India and Portugal. It is expected to understand in a better way the differences between these two markets and cultures. For that, a survey is being performed, trying to understand the viewing habits, digital literacy, iTV experience and expectations for Interactive TV applications.
Based on the experience of the team in the development of Social iTV applications it is expected to identify opportunities in the Indian market and the conceptualization of possible interactive applications. These prototypes will be evaluated in India by Indian TV viewers and industry operators.
September 2011 – September 2012